Fatal coronavirus outbreaks in China have spread worldwide.
The outbreak of the disease has spread to many countries outside China,and many countries have also taken health precautions as a precautionary measure.
But even such a situation could not prevent 3 thousand young women who were willing to marry.
In the face of the horror of the coronavirus they massacred after the mask!
According to a report by Reuters,the mass shooting ceremony took place in South Korea.
The Mass was held on Friday at the Unification Churchn of Gapiang in the country
The groom wore a suit and a bow tie,while the bride also wore a Bahari gown.
But despite the differences,most of the faces were masks.
Most of the bridesmaids wore black masks,and most brides had white masks on them.
If you get married,you have to protect yourself from the virus!
About marrying after the mask, 5-year-old Lee Lee-kyon-seok says,
"I am very happy to attend this mass show.
As the coronavirus is spreading all around,Igot married soon after the mask as part of the warning.'
About 5,000 people gathered at the Chiang Shim Peace World Center in Gapiang to wedding ceremony is not a new phenomenon in this church in South Korea.
However,after the mask so much marringe together,the event came up for discussion.
Church authorities also took special precautionary measures in view of the situation.
For everyone,hand sanitizer measures are also made to measure the temperature.
However,not everyone who is married after the mask.
The first coronavirus patient was diagnosed in South Korea on January 26 th.
So far no deaths have been reported in the country due to coronavirus.
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